Lose your job recently? In search of a new career? Maybe you should consider becoming a hand model! Provided your hands are "veinless, poreless and flawless," you could follow in Ashly Covington's footsteps and earn up to $1,200 a day to fold a tortilla in half or squeeze a little mousse on to your fingertip. Not that it's a bed of roses, mind you. Covington, whose hand modeling reel is above, says she has to moisturize 20 to 30 times a day and estimates she wears gloves 90 percent of the time. "When it's your livelihood, you've got to think hands first," she says. Nor is it necessarily the most glamorous profession. "It seems people think we all live like supermodels and rockstars," says Kimbra Hickey, who made the hand model hall of fame when she appeared on the cover of the novel Twilight. "But it's really just a regular job." There go all your preconceived notions! [CNN via NYM]