12 Presidential Poll and Electoral Projection Resources
With the election for the President of the United States coming to a head on November 4th, people are more anxious than ever to get an of idea of how the race will turn out. Polls are being run daily and being reported via various news outlets, but wouldn’t it be nice to get an overall view of how the results may break down come election night? Here are 12 presidential poll and electoral projection resources that can help you get a better idea.
Which sites do you use for election polls and projections? Tell us about your favorite finds in the comments.
Electoral Map Projections
270ToWin.com - To win the election a candidate needs 270 electoral votes; this site shows you what the current projections are. Breaks down polls, runs simulations and gives you a detailed history on how each state has voted.
CNN Electoral Map - CNN gives you the current projections based on polls, but also lets you clear the map and run your own scenarios.
Electoral-Vote.com - A map of the electoral votes that is updated daily with the newest data on how the states are breaking down. They also offer information for congressional elections, animated maps, donation information and more.
ElectoralMap.net - This map is based off of the Intrade prediction market and can be backed up to May of 2008 to see how the map keeps changing.
FiveThirtyEight.com - 538 refers to the total number of electoral votes that are up for grab in the presidential election. The site provides you with a standard breakdown of how they see the electoral votes turning out, as well as news and in-depth analysis of possible election scenarios dependent on various factors.
Politico.com - The Politico’s map shows you the latest polling data, focusing heaviest on the states that are still too close to call and how they may swing to decide this election.
Washington Post Pick Your President Project - The Washington Post map will allow you to see either how the actual map is looking at this time, or work on your own version of the map to project different scenarios.
Poll Tracking
Gallup.com - The election 2008 poll results from Gallup, one of the best known polling companies.
Pollster.com - Tracks various polls and gives you updated charts on how each candidate is tracking. Also offers an electoral map as well as analysis of what each poll means.
RealClearPolitics.com - Features poll breakdowns by state. You can also see a national overview that shows you which candidate is in the lead in each state and by how many points.
USAElectionPolls.com - Brings together information on national and state polls, battleground polls, house & senate polls, and more.
USAToday.com - While USA Today’s map looks like an electoral vote tracker, it is a map of polls with color coding to give you an idea of the percentage of difference between the candidates.
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