A lot of fighting happened in front of the cameras on today's heated installment of The View, but according to a tip we just received from a Defamer operative, it was nothing compared to what went on after the show was over. Our tipster says that Elisabeth Hasselbeck was upset that Joy Behar has been using The View to tout Behar's upcoming stand-up performance, and the conservative co-host demanded equal time in a confrontation that got ugly:

After "The View" went off the air today, Joy and Elisabeth WENT AT IT backstage!!!!!

Joy jumped in Elisabeth's face about a comment she made about Joy not being able to plug her appearances because her act is "political in nature." This was in response to the controversy about the McCain t-shirt Elisabeth wore on the air on Tuesday. Joy SCREAMED in Elisabeth's face, "If you do that again I will burn you down." Elisabeth turned beet red and started to stammer out something. And then Joy yelled, "Shut the fuck up" and stormed off. Nobody backstage came to console Elisabeth who was left standing there. Not even Barbara. Not Sherri either.

If anyone else bore witness to the View battle royale, be sure to send us your accounts. Somewhere, a gratified Star Jones is surely cooing "Excellent," while indulging in a gastric bypass-approved, icy-cool dish of sweet revenge. [Photo Credit: AP]
