The new debate is whether blogs are dead. Today's featured commenter, macbeach, shares his opinion about why the blogging bigs of a few years ago are abandoning the medium:

The gravitation of people like Calacanis and Scoble to things like Twitter says more about the individual than about the product. They are mediocre journalists who at one time could draw an audience for reasons other than their journalistic skills. My guess is that they don't even understand their own celebrity status, and with it fading, they continue to shop for a way to get it back (Valleywag probably does more to help than anything they are doing).

I used to read Scoble because he was a good source of information about what Microsoft was up to. I used to read Calacanis because I thought he did something transformative at AOL (turns out I was wrong). They both have short attention spans, which think is a bad combination when combined with a journalism degree (or at least it should be).