If you believe what you read in the papers, Sarah Silverman's first full-length performance in the U.K. last night was a disaster unbefitting the Matt Damon-Fucking Jewess Queen of Hollywood. The BBC reports the crowd of 3600 at London's Hammersmith Apollo—who had paid somewhere in the vicinity of $70-$100 a seat for the privilege of hearing Silverman's fishy-smelling-gym-shorts stories—"slow hand clapped and shouted they wanted their money back" at the end of a 40-minute mini-set, then heckled "you're over-hyped Sarah" and "I've seen longer clips on YouTube" until she came back out for an encore. Appropriately enough, we have YouTube video of said encore, and it suggests Silverman wasn't quite as reviled by the inquisitive Limeys as the reviews said. It's after the jump.

You won't be able to hear much of what Silverman is singing, or the audience is shouting, but the sheer volume and frequency of the laughter suggests, to us at least, that the blatant anti-Silvermanism in the auditorium wasn't nearly as virulent as in the reports. Still, 40 minutes for a hundred bucks' worth of U.S.-made baby-harvesting jokes, we suppose, would sour our salad cream too. Bonus video: Silverman also appeared on Jonathan Ross's talk show Friday night. The Daily Mail reported she "bombed" there, too, but we watched the appearance and found her pretty funny—particularly in the following clip, in which she fondles a giant, two-dimensional Ricky Gervais, then gets accused of having "hairy tits."