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The city's Conflicts of Interest Board released a big bunch of documents related to the personal finances of various city officials yesterday, a list that included Mayor Michael Bloomberg, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, Comptroller William Thompson, and Betsy Gotbaum, the city's public advocate.

Unlike the vast majority of Americans, not much has changed financially for the mayor over the past year, according to the Times. (Did the mayor see the economic downturn coming?) Bloomberg's sideline on a horse owner, however, hasn't fared quite as well:

He made a little less money from the earnings he shares in his daughter Georgina's winnings on the competitive horse show circuit. He collected $1,000 to $5,000 last year, compared with a total of $8,000 to $50,000 in 2007.

Guess we'll all just have to hope the mayor gets back up on the horse and does better next year.

Financial Disclosures of Bloomberg and Thompson Are Released [NYT]