Our rapid 24-hour-a-day news cycle is turning "solid journalism" into a quaint anachronism! As you may have heard. First it was round-the-clock cable news, then the internet happened, and now even real news outlets are making all types of errors trying to keep up with blogs, where we just invent our stories whole, like Keyser Soze staring at a police station bulletin board. Fortunately some journalistic theorists have just the thing to prevent the general public from being suckered into believing everything they read: media training for tots!

[Howard Rosenberg, media columnist]: The media are not going to slow down. No one is going to dial back. The only possible solution is media literacy — educating people, not when they're 25, not when they're 13, but when they're really young, almost like toddler level, for them to really understand the composition of media, the motivations of media, the impacts of media — both the positive impact and the potential negative impact.

Yea, Americans already do this. It's called "letting your kids watch too much TV." [Mixed Media]