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It's a good thing that author Fran Lebowitz is so tight with editor/restaurateur Graydon Carter that she can walk into Monkey Bar (or the Waverly Inn) without a reservation and get a table a moment's notice. If she had to use the phone—or Monkey Bar's email reservations system—she'd be in serious trouble. WWD asked her if Lebowitz if she spent any time using Twitter or Facebook and this is what she had to say:

No. I don't have a computer. No email. And I'm sure people say, "Oh Fran, she's old fashioned, she's a technophobe." I don't have a cell phone, but I never had the old machines. I never had a typewriter, I never had a stereo system. I don't like machines. You know, old, new, I don't care.

Five Minutes With Fran Lebowitz [WWD]