Cole Puffinburger, the six-year-old who was abducted from his house on Wednesday by drug dealers who had been ripped-off by his grandfather, was found wandering the streets a few miles from his Las Vegas home last night. Police say he's in "extremely good condition." Cole was taken Wednesday when three men claiming to be cops showed up at his mother's house and demanded cash from his mother and her fiance. When they said they didn't have any, the men ransacked the place and made off with the boy. An Amber Alert was issued—the first in Nevada history—but it was called off yesterday even though Cole was still missing. Police said the alert had run its course. Meanwhile, Federal Marshalls arrested Cole's grandfather, Clemens Tinnemeyer, 51, in California early Saturday, hoping he would lead them to the child's kidnappers—Mexican drug dealers from whom he'd stolen money.

Police remain on the hunt for the kidnappers and are looking for Jesus Gastelum, a Mexican national in his mid-30s, as a “person of interest,” Captain Cannito said. “The investigation now moves on to the drug dealing and the potential extortion issues,” hesaid. Captain Cannito offered few details about the boy’s condition or the status of the rest of the case early Sunday and did not take questions from reporters. Mr. Puffinburger had not yet seen his son when he spoke to the media, but was effusive in praise for the police and the community that rallied behind his family. “They called me and they said, ‘We got him!’ and I said, ‘You got who?’ and then I realized and was like, ‘Oh my God!,” the father said.