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If the piece in last Sunday's New York Times about the state of NYC nightlife didn't convince you that times are tough for club owners, look no further than this press release from JE Englebert, the publicity-obsessed owner of Suzy Wong, and Noel Ashman, the man who ran the Plumm until it went down in flames a couple of months ago. The duo say they plan to work the door at "a competitor's club" this coming weekend. But at least they're preparing for the future, right? The press release is below.

2 NYC Club owners work the competitions clubs
JE and Ashman work other nightclubs.

NYC club owners JE Englebert who has owned spots Quo, Prepost, Myst, Retox and currently Suzie Wong and Prime and Noel Ashman who has owned places Veruka, NA and Plumm host different venues this weekend. This Friday 7/1709 they are both on hosting duties at Mr West in West Chelsea with a rap party for Candace Bushnell's Web Series the broadroom. Wonder what little Mr West is paying them? Im sure its not going to be pennies. Both Englebert and Ashman are also rumored to be working on new separate projects not yet scheduled to open. This Friday at Mr West down on the skirts of the West Side highway should be an interesting event with complimentary cocktails from 10pm to 11pm for anyone who would like to attend. Englebert and Ashman can both be found on Facebook by doing a simple search of there names where both are marketing the event heavy to there Facebook friends. JE is also hosting M2 Ultra lounge this Saturday nite and Greenhouse Afterhours Sunday morning.