"We Like Gossip For The Same Reason We Like Dogs"

Oh what a week! There was a debate and more politics than it was previously thought the human race could endure. Only time will tell if we actually can! Maybe we'll all turn to dust next week. What we can definitely withstand and, I dare say, what we enjoy are good comments from you folks. So after the jump read our and your picks for the best of the week.
- From unclevanya in Debate Preview: It Might Be Interesting: "McKenley is stuck in the 50s, but I worry that Kortobama will try too hard to rein in the 'ethnic' thing."
- From Iceland_Spar in Playboy Slashing Staff Expenses: "Maybe this will inspire them to do feature on 'The Women of Playboy'."
- From Colonel Mustard in "In Case You Forgot.. I'm German!! Hallo!!: "Finally, An Adequate Amount Of Cow Bell."
- From dado in Why Can't Moby Just Be a Beloved Neighborhood Figure?: "It's because his name rhymes with Flowbee, and he looks to have had an accident with one."
- From Weegees_board in Why We Are All Such Gossipy Bitches, Explained: "Seriously now, we like gossip for the same reason we like dogs — they bark to let us know when the enemy is approaching."
- Your Party Pick this week goes to margotten in Why We Are All Such Gossipy Bitches, Explained: "Scientific American, that bitch. I hear she's been going down since the early 90's"
Everyone did excellent work! Enjoy your weekends!