Some background: Nouriel Roubini is an economist known for his longstanding pessimism, at the peak of his professional reputation, vindicated by the financial crisis. The NYU academic, when he's not predicting another great depression, throws parties at his vagina-encrusted Tribeca loft for young Facebook ladies. Nothing wrong with that-but the Iranian-Jewish playboy-professor equates any comment by this site on his decadent personal life with anti-Semitism. In a late-night Facebook rant earlier this week he slammed "trashy junky" Gawker and its Nazi-minded editor. Now the deranged professor disappointed by the supposedly independent journalists who've failed to take up his cause. After the jump: an extraordinary email calling New York magazine's Jessica Pressler a "coward" with a "trashy column." (By the way, Roubini's prescient warnings about the financial plight of the US won him the nickname Dr. Doom. Given his unhinged rants of the last few days, a more appropriate moniker might be Dr. Meltdown.)

When are you going to write a column saying that Nick Denton is the biggest Jerk in town? Or is he blackmailing you so much all with his Gestapo/Stasi threats that all of you members of the journalistic crowd are afraid of him? You were just a coward: it was easy and cheap to shamelessly and gratuitously and cheaply insult me on your trashy column and never say anything about that jerk. You should be ashamed of yourself So much for independent and corageous journalism. You are a just a bunch of wimps being blackmailed by that sleazy jerk as he - in Nazi style. - has files on all of you.