Miley Cyrus, who was shamelessly hoodwinked and tricked and bamboozled into taking off her shirt by Vanity Fair's hypnotic lesbian Jewish mystic, Annie Leibovitz, has suddenly developed normal teenaged sexual urges just a few months later! Go figure. Cyrus, still 15 despite a fake Disney Sweet Sixteen party a couple of weesk ago, is almost definitely hooking up with a 20-year old model boyfriend named Justin Gaston. Daddy Bill-Ray has said the two kids are just friends, but after Page Six ran the latest and most detailed sighting of the couple yet this morning, from an LA Fashion Week rendezvous, it's hard to believe him. Just listen to what the little harlot is up to:

According to an eyewitness, Gaston and Cyrus - who was there with her mother, Leticia, and her manager - "were all over each other backstage." The heat extended to the runway where, every time Gaston walked, he would blow a kiss and wink at his teenage girlfriend, who in turn, "licked her lips seductively as he passed her."

My my. When will the runway photographers at this fashion show apologize for using mind control to sexualize Cyrus?! And since when does the Post traffic in child porn? Outrage!