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We've seen Michael Bloomberg display his temper on numerous occasions over the past few months. Today he showed off his softer side when he turned "misty-eyed" at a naturalization ceremony: "After citing immigrants' contributions to American society and their appreciation of American freedom, the mayor concluded by saying, 'Whether you were born, seriously, in Palermo or Pakistan, Korea or Killarney, today you are Americans.' The last words of the sentence seemed to catch in Mr. Bloomberg's throat. His eyes moist, he quickly wrapped up his remarks, saying: 'Nothing anybody else can say. God bless.'"

The Times has gone back to see how many times the mayor has teared up in the past. It's not that many. Let's hope today's display of emotion doesn't reflect some sort of personal problem the mayor is struggling with. We're just not ready to hear that the mayor and Diana Taylor have broken up. Coming so soon after the news that Tinsley Mortimer and her husband are splitting up, it's liable to make us give up on love forever.

Play Misty-Eyed for the Mayor [NYT]