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And the Dessert Truck Bobby Flay Throwdown in Union Square Park has begun. While the Food Network crew tried to divert attention away from the Throwdown by parking a truck with Red Hook signage next to Dessert Truck, no one was fooled (that truck was covered up and driven away right before the taping). At 2 p.m. a line of about 50 or so fans waiting to be part of the filming crowded the cordoned off area. By 2:45, when filming began, the crowd had grown to 75-100, including confused onlookers.

The scene our Eater correspondent witnessed: the crew filmed a segment with the Dessert Truck owners about the truck in general and bread pudding specifically and then stopped filming while they waited for Flay. His truck rolled in a little after 3. He shook hands with the Dessert Truck owners and filming stopped, so he could set up his side of the Throwdown. The production is still in progress, so expect an update in the morning for the results.
— Reporting by Noah Adler
· Union Square Readies for the Dessert Truck Throwdown [~E~]