Chris Wilson has had to do some major backtracking since writing, in a Page Six Magazine point/counterpoint article two weeks ago, that he saw a passenger on an American Airlines flight "either pleasuring himself to online porn, or whittling something under his blanket." The deputy Maxim editor was just joking people! Sort of like his magazine was joking when earlier this year it "reviewed" two albums which had not yet been released, allegedly via the magic of crafty editors. Anyway, Wilson was apparently invited on Oprah to talk about his traumatic airplane experience, and had to disabuse (ahem) one of the show's producers of the idea he had written something, you know, true. Now Wilson is setting the entire world straight, via his "old dear friend" at the Observer:

Mr. Wilson replied, “You realize that was a joke, right?” [The Oprah producer] did not! Mr. Wilson asked if they would still require his expertise on the show. The man had to double-check. Mr. Wilson knew it was all over. “I could been the James Frey of midair masturbation,” he said.

You know, telling "jokes" is all well and good, but messing with the integrity of Page Six Magazine is no laughing matter.

Ha ha — gotcha! Bwahahaha....