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The High Line celebrated its grand debut with a splashy, Calvin Klein-sponsored party on Monday night. Naturally, Lisa Falcone and her husband, Phil Falcone, were in attendance: The hedge fund founder made a $10 million donation to the elevated park a week or so before it was unveiled to the public. Lisa took a few minutes to address the crowd at Monday night's party, and her speech came off as a bit loopy, according to people who were there.

But while her remarks at the High Line affair weren't videotaped, thus depriving us all of an chance to hear them first-hand, we did manage to find a clip of her chatting with a reporter at last year's Tribeca Film Festival. And it turns out that Lisa has a very exciting side career as a movie producer. Who knew? We also didn't realize that she grew up in an impoverished family in Spanish Harlem. The thought that she now lives in the opulent $45 million Guccione mansion with her husband, their identical twins, and the family's pot-bellied pig (really) gives us great reassurance, however, that good things in life come to those who deserve it.

The video is below. Enjoy it. You may not want to watch it if you happen to work at the New York Times, though. You're liable to get depressed when it sinks in that, yes, this really is the wife of the newspaper's largest shareholder.