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The New York Daily News dismissed gossip writer Sean Evans last Friday. The paper has yet to name a replacement to head up the Gatecrasher column with Laura Schreffler, and from the looks of things, the recruitment process isn't going very smoothly. Filling in for the week is "swag hag" Sarah Polonsky, the former National Enquirer reporter who worked very briefly at Page Six in late 2006, but was fired for running afoul of the paper's ban on accepting freebies. (Most recently, she's headed up a website called Guard your gift bags, publicists! Polonsky's email below.

From: Sarah Polonsky
Date: June 16, 2009
Subject: Sarah at Daily News' Gatecrasher

Hi All,

To those of you I have not spoken to in awhile, I hope this reaches you in good health.

I will be working in the Daily News' offices this week on the Gatecrasher column.

If you have any items/tips that might fit, please don't hesitate to send them my way.

Warm Regards,