T.R. Knight Becomes First Actually Gay Star To Donate To 'No On 8'

It's often said that gays are on the cutting edge of most trends, but when it comes to defeating California's Proposition 8 (which would thwart the same-sex marriage laws enacted this summer), most out celebrities have fallen pitifully behind their straight allies. The first high-wattage Hollywood name to donate to the "No on 8" name was Brad Pitt, whose $100,000 donation was quickly matched by Steven Spielberg. Now, after straight B and C-listers including Pete Wentz and Chelsea Handler gave money to fill the gay gap, The Advocate brings word that Grey's Anatomy power-gay T.R. Knight has finally become the first high-profile out star to contribute to the cause. So who's still missing?Perhaps the most notable M.I.A. gay is Ellen DeGeneres, who has sounded off about Prop 8 on the talk show circuit, but has yet to donate to the cause (though she did find time to host a fundraiser for the animal rights-advocating Prop 2). Other gay mafiosos like Portia DeRossi, Rosie O'Donnell, and Elton John are still nowhere to be found on the donations list, while behind-the-scenes gay talents like Gus Van Sant and Bryan Singer are missing, too (for that matter, straight allies like Jay Leno and Julia Louis-Dreyfus have advocated against the proposition but have yet to put their money where their mouths are). Their inaction comes after Tuesday's announcement that contrary to earlier reports, Proposition 8 is ahead in the polls and likely to pass next month, dealing a massive blow to the gay marriage cause. Backed by religious forces, the "Yes on 8" financial war chest has far exceeded that of the organizations working to defeat the proposition. Ohio entrepreneur Jonathan Lewis has challenged Hollywood power players to donate, promising that he and his family will match the contributions dollar for dollar — though the only notable gay figure to donate since was Angels in America playwright Tony Kushner, who gave $15,000. Hey, Ellen? Pretend it's adorable puppies who can't get married. Got a dime to spare? [Photo Credit: AP]