Today's wintry economic climate extends to all corners of the industry, including Hugh Hefner's stable of girlfriends, where the market had formerly held stable at a secure "three bunnies." Recently, though, Hef's harem has been rocked by rumors of infidelity, shaking our faith in polygamous monogamy to the very core. Now, Hef's main girl next door Holly Madison — recently linked to oily magician Criss Angel — has confirmed the split rumors that Hefner himself had been denying. Says Us:

When a TMZ cameraman recently asked her if she can get him into an upcoming Halloween bash at the Playboy mansion, she replied: "I have no pull anymore. Hef and I aren't together."

Madison then took to her Myspace blog for an an ellipsis-filled elaboration:

Current mood: lonely Hef and I care about each other immensely and will always be best friends . . . I do have my own place, but I am still at the Mansion, too, right now . . . I'm too busy to move even if I wanted to! hahaha . . . Bridget, Kendra and I are all still best friends and plan on doing several projects together in the future . . . even though Bridget is in Europe right now and I am sad and lonely without her . . . You will see how it all happens in Season 5 . . . Sunday nights on E! . . . How lame, I just turned that into the most shameless plug ever . . . lol! Love-Holly

We've heard rumors that Hef has replaced Madison with a pair of younger twins, representing a savvy divestment of his portfolio and an example of the "buy low" philosophy that distinguishes the sex mogul's business savvy. Kendra and Bridget, you'd better watch out: today, you may be flying high in a Holmby Hills mansion, but before you know it, you bunnies may be bounced, forced to turn to a foreclosed mansion (filled with bobcats) in Lake Elsinore.