Back when David Spade was dating Heather Locklear, Hollywood tongues wagged endlessly, wondering, "How does he do it?" Eventually, people realized that Spade is one of the great Casanovas of our time, able to woo some of the industry's biggest beauties by simply following the maxim, "Be normal and kind of have your shit together." Unfortunately, Locklear currently has her shit somewhat scattered, as she's dealing with a DUI called in by an ex-Us Weekly staffer who has a special relationship with Locklear rival Denise Richards. With so much going on in the life of his ex, how did the sensitive Spade check in?

"I texted her to check on her," Spade, 44, said Saturday night in Santa Monica at the annual benefit dinner and concert for the Lili Claire Foundation (which helps children living with neurogenetic conditions), about Locklear, who was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence. ..."I think things get blown out a lot of proportion," said Spade. "She's always solid and always a great person. And I think people understand she's in a tough situation and she does her best." When it comes to Locklear, 47, Spade says, "I think there's no one that doesn't feel for her or have nice things to say about her in my experience."

We agree, but Dave — not even a phone call? A box of chocolates? A DVD collection of the first, truncated season of LAX with a calligraphied note saying, "Always thought this was your best work. XOXO, Joe Dirt"? Sure, that semi-disinterested text message may work on Teri Hatcher or a Playboy playmate, but this is Amanda Woodward we're talking about here. Cut a girl some slack and at least send an e-card!