Yesterday, we brought you news of a budding feud between two British funnymen genuinely beloved at Defamer HQ: Shaun of the Dead star Simon Pegg and possible Emmy host Ricky Gervais. If you'll recall, Pegg appeared on a British radio program and branded Gervais an "idiot" for his comments on the British film industry, eventually dismissing him as "one of the fat people in LA." Yesterday, Gervais took to his blog to respond:

This, from the Daily Mail Online, is not so flattering... "Simon Pegg calls Gervais a fat idiot." Loads of journalists called for a response. This is what I gave them. "Simon is not only one of my favourite British comic actors but he is also quite astute, as according to my last medical, I am approximately 22lb over my ideal weight." Ricky Gervais.

Pegg brought the brouhaha full circle on his own blog:

So apparently I have "slammed" Ricky Gervais in the press as being a "fat idiot". Oh dear. Ricky's comments about the British film industry were definitely a little unfair but whatever I said on Heart FM was intended in the spirit of mutual teasing that myself Ricky have always indulged in. I am not in a position to genuinely accuse anybody of being fat, or for that matter of being an idiot. Whatever public feud is subsequently encouraged/fueled/blown out of proportion as a result of this, it is entirely the doing of those gleefully stood around clapping their hands and shouting "fight". It is true however that we used to be lovers. Sx p.s. Ricky and I have laughed about this, although his initial response was "It's glandular you cunt."

Glad that's settled. Now, can we go back to believing in British peace and civility — at least until a war of words breaks out between a ready-to-rumble Hugh Laurie and Russell Brand?