Sarah Palin was kind of embarrassed by her interviews with Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric, so she sought out the more comforting company of Secret King of All Hacks Hugh Hewitt for her most recent solo media appearance. Hewitt, who is really indefensibly hacky, interviewed her like a child he was particularly fond of. And she responded like a particularly slow child. Above, the very first question from Hugh and Palin's very first answer. You will not be disappointed in either of them! (Because you should be incapable of disappointment by now, haven't you been paying attention?)

"It's time that normal Joe Six-pack American is finally represented in the position of vice presidency," the Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin told radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt.

Some observers (elitists!) have already compared this response to the legendary quote from Republican Senatoe Roman Hruska in favor of a particularly dumb Nixon Supreme Court nomination:

"It has been held against this nominee that he is mediocre. Even if he is mediocre, there are a lot of mediocre judges and people and lawyers. They are entitled to a little representation, aren't they? And a little chance?"

Want to hear the rest of the interview? For a taste, Marc Ambinder has all the Hewitt questions. If after reading those you still possess the will to live, Hugh's transcript is here.