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We all need to do our part to improve life on this planet, especially during these troubled economic times when the gap between the haves and have-nots only appears to be widening with each passing day. Tinsley Mortimer clearly appreciates this: It seems she's made arrangements to have the makeup artists at Christian Dior—she's a Dior "Beauty Ambassador," in case you weren't aware—give makeovers to foster children.

Thank you for your service, Tinsley. Every little bit counts. And we fully expect UNICEF to come calling any moment now. A trip to Darfur with a pack of Dior makeup artists armed with eyeliner and lipstick won't just provide hope and inspiration to the most impoverished people on the planet, it's also the perfect way to communicate to the world you've cut back on socializing and are now focusing on the things that really matter.

Printemps [Park Avenue Peerage]
Previously: Tinsley Mortimer: Happy Wife, Future Mom