Grab your 40 and roll a blunt: The trailer for Notorious has finally hit the interweb. With Brooklyn rapper Gravy (née Jamal Woolard) playing Biggie and Derek Luke as P. Diddy, we can't wait for this one. But will the film be a fitting legacy to one of the greatest rappers of all time? It's hard to say from this teaser, which offers only a few glimpses of actual footage. Still, those glimpses are pretty awesome: Biggie as a little kid counting money? That pinstripe suit? Gold, Jerry, gold. On the other hand, the film is being released on Jan. 16, 2009 — historically a studio dumping ground. If it was really "sicker than your average," wouldn't Fox Searchlight drop it over Christmas? Only time will tell, but for now, the trailer holds us over after the jump.