It's not the economy, the stock market, or the cabaret laws anymore. It's the State Liquor Authority! Prominent clubs that have gotten their license pulled or failed to renew recently: the strip club Scores, the ultra-expensive cabaret the Box, and the ultra-exclusive celeb hangout the Beatrice Inn, and more....

  • The Beatrice just got theirs reinstated, reports the Observer—much to the chagrin of its sleepy residential neighbors, who want the open-'til-4 coke den gone.
  • The Box's license, as previously reported, was not granted renewal last week. Angry neighbors are tired of getting carded on their way to their apartments!
  • The East Village bar Death & Company didn't get their license renewed last March; they sued the State Liquor Authority. [Observer]
  • Scores totally had it coming: prostitution charges, plus the mobbed-up nature of the organization.

    Other than Scores, the rest of these clubs are located in largely residential neighborhoods—perhaps reflecting that people are tired of the mega-club hell of West Chelsea, which was actually zoned for nightlife.

    [Photo: Nikola Tamindzic for Home of the Vain]