Earlier today we brought you a little digest of CNN anchor Anderson Cooper's rumored romances which included a man by the name of J.D. Ordonez, a Floridian dolphin trainer (srsly). Now we get word from a tipster that this same J.D. may be a current cast member on the now-filming new season of MTV's ugly reality show. You know, if the tipster's gay bar drinks-clouded mind can be trusted. Decide for yourself after the jump.

So, I almost wrote this email to you guys a few weeks ago but stopped because as I wrote it I felt like a huge tool. Anyway, a few weeks ago I was at the lovely gay bar Therapy in Midtown when a dude ran in and was chased immediately by a camera crew. Yes, I was having an encounter with the gay cast member of the Real World Brooklyn—whose name happened to be JD, is 23 and hails from Miami Florida. Now, I had a hour conversation with the kid and determined he was a no one with no personality. Thats until I read your story about Anderson Cooper today and his rumored loves. I am pretty sure they are the same person, I mean how JD dolphin trainers from Miami are there? I have a really blurry photo of him on my iPhone of him in the bar with the camera. One interesting thing about my encounter with him, he is apparently dating the bartender at Therapy and is there often—sometimes alone to score some B roll footage (as he was the night I was there). He also told me how he has taken his Mormon roommate out to XES, yet he wanted to read all the gay rags (HX, Next) at the bar that he could as his Mormon roommate would freak if he brought it home. Oh he also said that they never hang out in Brooklyn and always go to super NY places like Angels and Kings and Mansion—they apparently also get shuttled around in cars from Brooklyn and back Thats it, but the fact that AC was getting down with a Real World media whore is beyond me. I thought he was better then that.

Fascinating! The blurry photo didn't help us at all, though. We demand confirmation on this weird, probably not-at-all-true coincidence! Plus, Sheila and I want more info about the Mormon boi. From MySpace:

Update: In an email with a subject line reading "Can confirm that there is a "jd ordonez" in the real world brooklyn cast" a tipster tells us:

nothing to present as evidence but can say producers sent around personal data (height, weight, shirt size etc.) to publicists a while back almost as a solicitation for freebies to cast members.

And another tipster says the rumors that Ordonez dated Cooper are true:

Just read your article on the dolphin trainer said to be Anderson's ex boy toy and I wanted to confirm that it's true. I'm from Miami and was actually at the club Buck 15 when I met J.D. He drunkenly informed me who his boyfriend was and when I didn't believe him he showed me pictures from his camera phone with Anderson and some dolphins...this was around the beginning of June...just wanted to give you a head's up!