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If you've been seeing the protests in London on TV and you're kinda disappointed the streets of New York aren't quite as "electric," you'll be pleased to know that the city will have some outraged protesters of its own beginning tomorrow.

Citigroup's crack "investigative services division" warned employees today that United for Peace and Justice will hold rallies tomorrow and Saturday against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as against banks that collected bailouts from Washington. In addition to that, there may also be another rally on Saturday that will begin on Broadway and go past the New York Stock Exchange before concluding near Battery Park. Don't be too concerned the protests will turn bloody, as they have at the G-20 summit in London. "The NYPD does not anticipate acts of civil disobedience during the demonstration," reports Citi's security squad. Of course, Citi CEO Vikram Pandit has been known to make up all kinds of stuff before, so you may want to avoid the area just to be on the safe side.

Citi: Watch Your Backs [Dealbreaker]