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Ashley Dupre has something to get off her chest! Or, rather, Russell Simmons wanted another publicity boost for his website and told Ashley that she had to come up with something ASAP if she expected another personal yoga session this week. In any event, Ash has lots of questions today, but she's still struggling to come up with answers:

Why did I lose my brother for 12 years to jail and serious drug problems? Why was my stepfather not capable of loving me as if he were my father? Why did my mother let my brother leave home? Why is this my family? Why couldn't I have a "normal" family?

Since Ashley and Eliot Spitzer are now both part-time bloggers, would it be too much to ask of the ex-governor to field a few of these on We're pretty sure he'd have useful insight into the issues Ashley is struggling with. And what better way to redeem his rep than to lend a helping hand to an unemployed hooker just trying to make sense of the world we live in!

Forgiveness and Letting Go [Global Grind]
Previously: Russell Simmons Still Knows How to Work It, Ashley Dupre Lands a Mentor [Cityfile]