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Perhaps we spoke too soon emphasizing Tina Fey's status as our go-to Sarah Palin doppelganger, but we never really spotted an alternative that signaled the same hair-up, hockey-mom charm radiated by the Alaska governor. Until today, that is, and how's this for context: According to NBC's Web site, its fall miniseries/video game adaptation XIII "begins dramatically as the first female U.S. President is shot dead by a sniper during her Veteran's Day speech." It was a classy-enough touch to anticipate Hillary Clinton's candidacy, we suppose, but casting Mimi Kuzyk as doomed Palin-lookalike Sally Sheridan was just prescience gone spectacularly wrong. The enlarged photo follows the jump.And it gets better: Stephen Dorff stars as the amnesiac could-be assassin, with Val Kilmer appearing as the mercenary pursuing him. They started filming way back in April, when Bristol Palin was still unseeded and Mike Huckabee was the biggest thorn in McCain's side. The Peacock has all the luck these days! Anyway, for now, XIII is still on for an unspecified date later this fall — much later.