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Alaska governor Sarah Palin may be in even hotter water over a Yahoo Mail account she used to conduct state business. One can hardly blame her for using Yahoo Mail,, to handle official state business. Everyone loves to complain about the email provided by one's employer, and evade it when can. But for a state official, now a vice-presidential candidate, the practice was always questionable. Yahoo Mail is not archived as scrupulously as official state email accounts, which are covered by laws requiring the retention of government records. And her advisors specifically discussed using Yahoo Mail to evade archiving requirements. Here's where things just got worse: Palin, according to a discussion on /b/, an Internet messaging board frequented by online troublemakers, used a second account,, whose password users of the board say they hacked. Emails, allegedly Palin's, are now circulating on the Net. The whole thing could be a prank. But both accounts are now gone — which raises a much more serious issue.In the aftermath of the supposed hacking, someone deleted both the and accounts. Emails sent from Palin's Yahoo account made up part of a government inquiry into the firing of a state police commissioner; deleting the account would wipe out any emails investigators haven't already obtained. Could this be considered obstruction of justice? (Original photo by jmedkeffphoto)