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Further evidence that instead of taking a tour bus to visit the suburban homes of AIG execs, taxpayers would be better off channelling their rage by staging a noisy protest outside the Beresford: After the Times reported this morning that Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit signed off on tens of millions in retention bonuses to nine top execs at the firm—Pandit, himself, received a stock grant worth $2.5 million—comes word from Daily Intel that Citi is now laying off 65 janitors. Janitors. (Presumably not the same ones, though, who will be expected to clean up after Pandit in the new $10 million office, which he's currently constructing.) Two other big advantages to a Pandit protest: Unlike AIG, you won't have to make the trek to Connecticut. And PETA protesters have been there for months now, so they can show you the ropes. [NYM]