"Celebrities have taken a serious drubbing from Republicans this political season," The Politico reminds us. (How odd that no one noticed Jon Voigt at the RNC! Or the fact that Robert Duvall narrated that video they showed about "service"? Or the fact that McCain was introduced by famous Hollywood actor Fred Thompson, former Law & Order actor and Republican candidate for President? Or that McCain was in the film Wedding Crashers and used to make dinner dates with Arianna Huffington and West Wing castmembers? Whatever.) Oh, right. Obama's "celebrity" problem. Matt Drudge would like you to know that Obama is raising money with a $28,500 a plate fundraiser featuring—horror of horrors!—Barbra Streisand!!! So now let's care about that, shall we?

Barbra Streisand is a terrible, wretched human being, because she is rich and shrill and liberal and out of touch. She is basically the biggest threat facing America today. And the people of this great nation universally despise her. In fact the RIAA reports that around 148 million people have bought her albums, presumably to stare at them disapprovingly or perhaps burn them.

Anyway. Having the support of stupid out-of-touch celebrities (liberal Jewish celebrities, not down-home jus'-folks celebrities like Chuck Norris, Patricia Heaton, Bruce Willis, Gary Sinise, and California's Republican action movie star governor) is proof that Obama the candidate is out of touch with America. As we all know, it's the support of telecommunications lobbyists that proves one's Real American Bona fides.

(Yes, whatever, Barbra Streisand automatically generates bad publicity but it's 2008, no one cares about her. The culture wars have been reignited, sure, but only campy Matt Drudge thinks the batty old Yenta still resonates as anything other than a relic.)