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Marie Douglas-David's bitter divorce from United Technologies chairman George David is going to haunt us for weeks, it seems. Just when you think the couple might take a cue from the grim economic climate—and overwhelmingly negative press coverage—and, like, chill, comes another round of craziness.

Marie, who took her divorce settlement to court because she was outraged by the very modest $36 million exit package her estranged husband left her with, testified that David "trapped her" in the marriage with "fancy homes and vacations," forbade her from working, and was horribly jealous, telling her that a married woman shouldn't be out after 5pm without her husband.

David said he couldn't really recall being jealous, admitted he'd tried to divorce Marie four times since finding out in 2004 that she'd had an affair with a Swedish fencer, and said he believes his wife made up the whole story about having a miscarriage a few years back. You'll have to take that last revelation as the silver lining. At the very least, a lifetime of therapy sessons have been avoided.