Anyone notice the masthead of the latest Vanity Fair? Sir Graydon Carter, the gentleman editor, has apparently made some staffing changes. With all of the journalistic luminares on the VF roster, you'd think the magazine had all the talent it could handle. You'd be wrong. According to the October issue, former Viacom CEO Tom Freston, and Carter pal, is now "Our Man in Kabul," while restaurateur and Waverly Inn habitué Brian McNally is now "Our Man in Saigon." So, in addition to mentioning his cronies in the magazine, Graydon has taken to hiring them (these are assuredly paid positions, not just dilettantes on parade, right?). Fair enough, this is the privilege of power, but, the question remains: Why does the White-Haired Wonder have to sound like he's running Her Majesty's Foreign Service rather than editing a glossy? Nonetheless, one can just imagine Freston (above right), after tea with the mujahideen, riding on the back of a mule high into the Hindu Kush, and maybe, just maybe, finding You Know Who...