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Much has been made in recent weeks about TMZ's decision to focus its attention on the financial crisis and corporate misbehavior. When the site revealed that the bank Northern Trust had hosted a golf tournament and a series of splashy parties even after receiving $1.6 billion in taxpayer money, editor Harvey Levin told the Times it was "the most important thing" TMZ had ever done, and one of the site's photographers said that while "Britney is fluff," stories about "Northern Trust, Madoff, and politicians in D.C. really have an impact on the country." It's nice to see TMZ's dedication to hard-hitting investigative journalism continues. Today a TMZ cameraman ambushed Chris Cuomo and Sam Champion outside a juice store near the offices of ABC News did his best to get Champion to utter the world "fruit" on camera. Now they just need to start gay-baiting the sons of disgraced Wall Street execs and they'll get the mix down perfectly. The video of the Cuomo/Champion encounter is after the jump.