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Olivia Palermo is getting a little help from MTV as she tries to convince the world she isn't as horrible as you might think she is given her role as resident bitch on The Hills. Per the network's "official" TV blog: "With all the Olivia bashing that's been going on lately, we wanted to remind you that she has a totally separate life from what you see on The City. Not only is she way more casually dressed in person (we've spotted her in jeans and heard her cop to breaking out the spandex!) but she's also way more chill. And happier! And dating the hottest guy ever." Okay, sure, Johannes Huebl is nothing to sneeze at. But the hottest guy ever? Bold claim, MTV! But feel free to watch the video of Johannes flexing his abs in "nut-hugging briefs" so you can judge for yourself.