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In the treacherous and cut-throat playground of modern sexual politics, it's easy to imagine how one's morals could get slightly compromised, even to the extent of engaging in some light stalking. But given the technologically-savvy, post-privacy age we live in, is there really such a big difference between monitoring someone's Facebook status and secretly implanting a tracking device or hidden video camera in order to catch them cheating on you?

"Michelle," who invested in a $1,500 GPS system that confirmed her husband's affair, doesn't seem to think so: "Spying could seem extreme," she admits, but avers: "It's more of a closure thing. I was blaming myself... I know now that he's the jerk." Priceless knowledge indeed.

True, such activities may walk the line of illegality—although football player/cuckold Michael Strahan doesn't seem to have faced any charges over twice putting a tracking device in girlfriend Nicole Murphy's car—but that hasn't stopped a major boom in business for companies selling high-tech snooping tools, which are also being used to spy on lazy employees and wayward kids.

As the owner of puts it: "Greed, lust and fear are the three high-growth industries and this covers all three. Everybody's watching everybody. It's just a matter of whether you're aware of it." The chill that just went through you, clenching your stomach and tightening your throat? That was the realization that our civilization has screeched to its bleak nadir.

When Lovers' Quarrels Go Hi-Tech [ABC News]