Victoria Gotti's Change of Heart

Last June, HarperCollins filed suit against Victoria Gotti after she failed to turn in a memoir she'd agreed to write (and for which she'd been paid a $70,000 advance). The reason? Gotti claimed the publisher had demanded she provide inside dirt on her late father, Mafia boss John Gotti, whereas she thought the book was going to just be about her. "They wanted more of dad than I was willing to give," she said at the time. It looks like someone's had a change of mind. Publishers Marketplace reports that Gotti has signed a new book deal:
Daughter of John Gotti, Victoria Gotti's GOTTI CONFIDENTIAL, in which she promises to "set the record straight—warts and all," including "first-hand accounts and contributions from the entire family," adding that "this was not a project I ever intended to do; however, after years and years of rumors and innuendos, this book was born out of necessity," to Louise Burke at Pocket, for publication on September 29, 2009, by Frank Weimann of The Literary Group (world).
Girl's got to pay for all that foundation somehow!