• Stocks appear positioned to rise this morning after tumbling to their worst levels in more than a decade during yesterday's trading session. [CNN, MW]
• More on what the government is trying to do with the billions it's been pumping into AIG. Meanwhile, the insurance giant's founder, Hank Greenberg, has filed suit against his former company and accused it of fraud. [NYT, NYP]
• Citigroup is still hoping to shed a handful of "non-core" assets, including its mortgage and insurance operations, Japanese brokerage, and private-label credit card business. [NYP]

• Bad news all around for Henry Kravis: KKR Financial Holdings reported a $1.2 billion loss last quarter. Yesterday KKR Private Equity Investors reported that the value of its portfolio had dropped 32 percent. [DB]
• BofA chief Ken Lewis says it was merely a "tactical mistake" to ask for federal money to help prop its acquisition of Merrill Lynch. The embattled CEO also says he hasn't considered stepping down from the company "for one second." [FT]
• GE chief Jeff Immelt says he takes full responsibility for the company's decimated stock price and "tarnished" reputation. [BN]
• Both Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner will appear before separate Senate and House committees today. [MW]