Some little assholes used Digg and Wikipedia to spread the lie that teen actress Miley Cyrus had died in a car accident last night caused by "an unidentified black man"—and Yahoo News picked up the story. The hoax was short-lived, thank God. By this morning, it was hard to tell who, if anyone—aside from Yahoo—actually fell for it. One of the only mentions of it as anything but a scam seems to be this retarded Digg entry. So did anyone else actually buy it?

As evidence that rumors of Miley's demise "are swirling around the internet" points to this story at the Post Chronicle. But the Chronicle's item is itself just a denial of the rumor.

"This report is a hoax planted by cruel pranksters on and the ever reliable Miley Cyrus is very much alive. As per the report, Miley Cyrus died in a fatal car crash on the way to the set of Hannah Montana. The report goes on to state that the young starlet was on her way to the filming of the upcoming 'Hannah Montana' Series when her vehicle was reportedly hit by a large truck, according to internet reports."

Yet the only "internet reports" that the Post Chronicle offers up is this one from, which again clearly states that Miley is very much alive. That report links to the UrbandLegends blog, which offers a screen-grab of the notorious Yahoo News story. As UrbanLegends points out, Yahoo News sites as its source "Rueters" [sic].

Conclusion: Digg and Wikipedia should die.