Y'all were pretty scattered when posed with the question of yesterday's secret sex recorder, but one of you did make an impassioned plea to ban all non-academic, non-filthy uses of the word "cum," and I am totally with you on that. Anyway, after the jump we have a self-conscious coke sniffer and porn person who is also dealing drugs. Maybe to the self-conscious girl! 1) "Which naughty celeb asked to check a female fan's photograph to make sure she had wiped the Columbian marching powder from his nose?" [Mirror] 2) "You can add drug dealer to the list of accomplishments of this "porn" celebutard. Apparently though, he makes even celebrities pay for it much to the chagrin of this allegedly clean, home team B- film and television actress who spent much of Friday night trying to convince our tard that she was good for the money, and was even willing to play for the other team on film if he could see his way into giving her some. They weren't seen leaving together, so apparently he wasn't interested. Unlike him, but possible. Would be a big money maker." [CDaN]