It's not just MSNBC's Democratic National Convention team that's filled with vicious rage bursting out in inappropriate ways. At the Daily News, convention reporter and political editor Ian Bishop just totally snapped Saturday morning, and might have been fired for the incident if he wasn't buddy-buddy with the editor in chief. A glass wall was shattered! Here's what happened, according to the Post:

The incident happened Saturday morning, when Bishop apparently became irate with someone he was speaking with on the phone and tossed the phone in the direction of the office of Stuart Marques, the paper's managing editor of news.

Marques was not present at the time of the incident.

The source said, "Nobody knows what set him off."

Bishop apologized to everyone, but he's now suspended. Also, Mort Zuckerman is trying to trim the staff by 25. But probably no one wants to try and fire the crazy phone-throwing guy, or at least that's always been my philosophy.

(And of course this whole thing should remind everyone of a key scene in The Paper, in which the tabloid news editor played by Michael Keaton tells off (via abusive telephone use) the snooty broadsheet editor, who says Keaton has lost his chance to "cover the world." It seems Keaton doesn't live in "the world:" (NSFW!))
