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Officially, Facebook is treating the onslaught of viruses piggybacking on the social network's popularity as a very, very serious matter. We're talking Sheryl Sandberg serious. Facebook's press statement reads: "We are investigating every report, removing false content, blocking bogus links and addressing the concerns of our users. These efforts have limited the affected users to a small percentage of those on Facebook.” The unofficial response from cofounder Dustin Moskovitz, posted on CEO Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook profile, is much more fun:

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If you need the joke explained, Moskovitz is making fun of a common tactic used by hackers: Sending fake messages which appear to come from an authority, in an effort to get people to give up their passwords. But he's got a backhanded point. If Facebook insists on using its own software to make major announcements, a fake Mark Zuckerberg has a decent chance of fooling a lot of the people, a lot of the time.