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Perhaps you made it to Sunset Junction this weekend—the once quirky and fun Silver Lake leather-daddy-and-Mexican-family street fair turned obnoxious $20-a-head hipster convention. Did you spot Molls? Did you eat a funnel cake? Can we declare Sunset Junction over? Look how far Isaac Hayes went to get out of playing it! (Do we sound bitter? Well, don't cordon off The Eagle, then charge us $20 to piss on our leg and tell us it's raining. We're accustomed to being pissed on for free!) As you can see from the photo above courtesy of Metromix Los Angeles, however, Sunset Junction is alive and well, and was presided over this year by the Mac guy and Kirsten Dunst, who had a pretty good career in the late-'90s/early '00s. More photos after the jump!

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Though it's been pushed ahead to a 2010 release date, Disney is already building buzz for Prince of Persia: The Dreamy Eyes of Time, hiring CalArts Sensual Belly Dance majors to mingle and jingle with the crowds.

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Yes—that is Emmy-nominated Dancing with the Stars host Tom Bergeron enjoying the warm weather and local color.

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Spot the Scout Willis! Call 1-800-DEMI KIDS for hints. ($2.95 per minute.)