Here at Defamer HQ, we hope we've made our feelings clear on the new 90210 redo: you can give us all the Shannens and Jennies (but not Toris) you want, but the real reason we'll be watching is because of actress Jessica Walter. Cast as the alcohol-addled 90210 matriarch Tabitha, Walter is practically reprising her role as Lucille Bluth from Arrested Development — and until the big-screen AD movie comes, we'll take whatever we can get. Our ongoing crusade for more Walter footage (hereby known as Bluthwatch '08) has thus far fallen on deaf CW ears, and when we saw the network's new Shannen Doherty promo last week, we knew it was time to take matters into our own hands. With the help of Molly McAleer (and Hulu), we've cut together our own 90210 promo touting the show's real icon. Won't you join us in a chicken dance of anticipation? [The CW]