President Obama's Hair Set to Be Bellwether of Nation

On this historic day as Barack Obama is sworn in as President, so many important issues will be on people's minds, not least of which is: Will our leader be tempted to reach for the Just For Men during his tenure in the White House, as many suspected he had during the campaign? Or will he let nature take its course and further turn his hair grey? While stress is known to hasten grey hair—as in the possibly apocryphal stories of hair turning white from shock overnight—you'll be reassured to hear that the light sprinkling of grey currently sported by the 47-year-old President appears to be genetic, at least according to dermatologist Dr. Antony Gaspari. And it hasn't prevented Obama's cut from being the first politician's in recent history to spur an actual hair trend credited to his uni-named barber, Zariff, who says he's doing a roaring trade in "the Obama."