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You're going to be shocked to hear this, but it turns out lots of Wall Streeters are looking to sell their lavish, eight-figure homes, a process that isn't quite so easy given the state of the economy. Today's Wall Street Journal has details on a collection of former high-flyers at Lehman and AIG who are now (desperately) looking for offers. But not everyone is moving out because they're suffering! It's unlikely any one in New York is making more money right now than John Paulson, the hedge fund mogul who bet against the housing market and won big. (He'll probably continue to rake it in: Just today he announced plans to launch a new distressed investment fund.) Just in case you're still sitting pretty—or you're playing the lottery this weekend and you're an optimist by nature—you'll find details on four of the homes after the jump.

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Joe Gregory
Former president, Lehman Bros.
Location: Bridgehampton
Asking price: $32.5 million
Listing: Corcoran
Notes: Joe and wife Niki bought this 9,500-square-foot Bridgehampton home for $19 million in 2007, but quickly put it back on the market for $32.5 million shortly after Lehman's collapse. Gregory is said to be desperate to sell these days, which means the price is most certainly negotiable.

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Scott Freidheim
Former chief administrative officer, Lehman Bros.
Location: Greenwich, CT
Asking price: $13.75 million
Listing: Sotheby's
Notes: Freidheim and his wife purchased this home a year ago for $12.4 million. Freidheim has since taken a job as executive vice president of operation at Sears and is moving to Chicago, so the property is now on the market for $13.75 million.

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Jon Winkelried
Co-president & co-COO, Goldman Sachs
Location price: Nantucket, MA
Asking price: By request
Listing: Congdon & Coleman
Notes: Winkelried has owned this 5.9-acre waterfront property since 1999, first putting it on the market in October 2008 for $55 million. He's since reportedly lowered the price, although his broker won't say by how much.

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John Paulson
Founder, Paulson & Co.
Location: Southampton
Asking price: $13.9 million
Listing: PDE
Notes: Paulson may be raking it in, but most of Paulson's peers sure aren't, which explains why his 6,800-square-foot home has been lingering on the market for many months now. Paulson first listed it at $19.5 million last year, reducing the price in August and then again in November. It's now priced at $13.9 million. But Paulson has a rep as a sensible man. Our advice? After you win the $200 million Powerball, offer him $11 million and see if he bites.