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Back in the '90s, Wayne Cox earned $150,000 a year leading Palo Alto-based Varian Medical Systems's engineering department, at one point overseeing development of a profitable tumor-eradicating machine called the Multileaf Collimator. He lived in a $700,000 home with his wife and two kids. Then in 1996, Varian laid off Cox as a part of a company reorganization. 12 years later, Cox is divorced, homeless and in jail, arrested for running into and killing a pair of septuagenarians out for a Sunday stroll. A witness to the accident told the San Jose Mercury News that after the collision, Cox "reached out the window to push one of the dying victims off his hood, then drove away." Varian board member Dick Levy told the paper: "He must have gone through hell in his personal life to have dropped such a long way."