A group of yarn enthusiasts-who are also dedicated fans of best-selling Discworld author Terry Pratchett-wanted to present their favorite writer with something cool at the Edinburgh International Book Festival yesterday, so they got together and knitted a quilt, or afgan... er, Pratchgan! The group calls itself the Anhk Morpork Knitter's Guild, after the leading city in the funny-as-hell series, and the Pratchgan features images and phrases sure to delight anyone who loves orangutan librarians, black-clad assassins, talking dogs, the Grim Reaper, or vampires who've sworn off the B-word. The knitters say they were inspired to create the Pratchgan when Pratchett was diagnosed with rare early-onset Alzheimer's disease late last year. More photos and links after the jump.

For close-ups of the squares, go here.

[Woolly-knit-bits via BoingBoing]